CO2 Removal

CO2 is commonly found compound in natural gas. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is found in oil and gas fields in varying concentrations. Dry CO2, be it in gas phase or a supercritical fluid is not corrosive to metals and alloys. However, in presence of water-containing produced fluids, severe corrosion of the infrastructure may result due to the formation of carbonic acid. In order to meet pipeline specifications or other application specific requirements, CO2 separation is necessary.

Water vapor causes the formation of hydrates, over saturation of natural gas, and corrosion of equipment. Hydrates are solid, ice-like crystallized compounds formed of hydrocarbons and water. Hydrate formation occurs in high-pressure well streams with a low temperature. Hydrates can form, however, at temperatures above the freezing point. The high pressure increases saturation and creates more water vapor. Hydrates cause freezing and blocking of pipelines, valves, and other equipment, bringing production to a halt. Water present in Natural gas also causes corrosion to equipment.


  • Advance permeate technology

  • Robust, proven membrane performance at high CO2 contents

  • CO2 content reduced to required specifications (<4 mol% or optimal levels)

  • Robust membrane technology requiring minimal pretreatment leading to reduced CAPEX and OPEX

  • Unique process design to maximize total hydrocarbon recovery

  • Easy, low-cost installations. In many cases, single skid systems can be installed in limited time

  • No regular maintenance, no moving parts, and designed for remote unmanned operation

  • High on-stream times maximize revenues.